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The place has changed!

A road that has been the same for a very long time, a road that has not been subjected to such a cold work as road construction… On this road, which has been smoothened by stepping for years and centuries, made of rounded soft-looking hard stones, like the threshold step of the Grand Bazaar, he first feels that he is in a developed country and then walks. The road turns round. The slightly elevated stairs continue impatiently with the lute tunes coming from above, without tiring. He looks at the ground, goes to other places. The place where he spoke the first word, where he took his steps. While he is so far away in space, his movement in time is not so great. It had been a month. A month is a short time for a mulberry tree to bear fruit, for a human being to walk. In 1 month a baby can only learn to lift its head.

She was a dark blue woman, orange inside. Her hair was sometimes curly and sometimes straighter. But only she knew this feature of her hair, and sometimes she had days when she didn’t feel the hair on her head at all. When she was out for long periods of time, she would leave it in the bathroom mirror in the morning and leave it there until the next day. 

He was tall enough to see the world at a sufficient height and he was thin. His feelings, his thoughts, his ideas, not his heart, his body. Weak, light.

Looking at the same place makes me restless. Those who are not uncomfortable looking at the same place are more uncomfortable. He acted as if he was pushing away a fly buzzing around this familiar feeling with his hand. The fly does not fly away, it does not approach; it can be stopped, it can be lived.  When you don’t see the fly approaching, it can bite, itches, itches, hurts, bleeds, scabs, heals, itches again while healing, doesn’t make you cry, doesn’t kill. Restless.

A restless self-confidence can change everything.  A restless self-confidence means telling all your synapses one by one that you can overcome. Telling them that you can overcome happens when there’s something to fear behind or in front of you.

He had overcome. He had crossed continents and realised that the way he was was the way he should be. But there was nothing he could do about the time that went backwards as he walked forwards. As time moves backwards as it moves forwards, space changes. Spatial changes change definitions. Even your definition of yourself… “Does putting water that was previously in a white glass into a blue glass change the water?” he took the question in one palm. He clenched his hand into a not too tight fist. The first sentence of his thesis came to his mind. “Human is a spatial being.” Existentially, that is, it is defined in space. It defines space. Existence is spatial.

The space changed, he met his renewed synapses. The space changed, another hand did not leave his hand, he met other people and the space changed again.

In places with one sky, sun and moon, but different people, he looked for someone who could see the same thing when he looked at them. Someone who could look into her eyes and see through them. someone who could see when she looked. someone who could laugh when she looked… as the song says;

“Cuando Dios se rie mi alma”

He looked into her eyes and asked questions with the weight of his hands that did not move in the face of the gestures he could never dominate;

-Look here!



+Where is there?

-This is it, here! Why don’t you look here?
