The second version of ‘Our Stories of Change’ took place in Turkey at PermaKamp, a community-based camp which works with permaculture principles.
In mid-July 2023, we hosted nine women from different backgrounds and age groups residing in Turkey and we opened the space for them to write and share their stories of change.
During the three days, despite the hot weather, we basked in serene nature, we had amazing healthy food and we experienced the intimate feelings of womanhood and kinship.
We all took with us different senses of an inspiring and rejuvenating collective experience.
The stories you will read offers a diverse narrative on change through the invited women’s perspectives. This narrative is forever intimate, powerful, and magical.
We were also able to produce a creative output to give back to the beautiful ladies. A package of 10 postcards.
You can check it here.
Enjoy the reading!
Nohad El Hajj and Cihan Koral